Sunday, December 28, 2008

My Birthday

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up."

mmmm I am still thinking, why can't I do both? After all:

"'And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.' ~ Abraham Lincoln"

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Move over Hitler, we now have Mugabe...

Move over Hitler, we now have Mugabe and he can make you like you never got out of kindergarten.

At least Hitler had brains! He was a misguided and an evil man, but he had an ideology that he was working towards. Even Sadam Hussain who was a wicked man and also ruthlessly killed many thousands of people, at least he had an aim that he was working towards. At least these two evil misguided men where relatively good to their own tribes (all be it that it came with a threat to tow the line).

Mugabe is a common thief, a robber and a self indulgent fool who cares only for himself and his immediate friends. He does not care about his own people and is willing to let them die and suffer any fate, as long as he can live his life on his terms. He has raped his country in every possible way.

When a Government cannot care or defend its people, it is not governing. Hospitals closed down, drinking water contaminated, no currency, no food and looting by the army.

This is Zimbabwe in 2008. This is the Zimbabwe where a man more evil than Hitler and more cruel than Sadam Hussain is the ruler along with his puppeteers. The ONLY people that can help and save Zimbabwe are the rest of Africa.

When will the price for turning back the colonies be paid in full. How much more must the African people (not the West) suffer? Mugabe was fighting for freedom from their “Colonial Masters”. Now his people suffer in ways they never did when Rhodesia was a Colony. They were promised a better life and instead life has NEVER been so bad.

Even Hitler would hold his head in shame at what we see Mugabe doing in what was once a self sufficient country. Even Sudam Hussain would shake his head in amazement at the stupidity of what is now the worlds most worthless ruler.

Too many cars....

Too many cars being made by too many people means that something has to give. Add to that mix the way the recent rise in fuel costs has made people think about what they are buying. Even though the price of oil has come down, people know that when the economy picks up the price will likely rise again.

So the current situation does not look good for this industry. Even TATA has been caught short with its recent acquisition of Jaguar and Landrover. Whilst a wonderful move at the right time by Ford, it must be a shock to TATA. Toyota is seeing a massive increases in the cost per vehicle as the Dollar changes to the Yen as well as a reduction in sales. The difference is that Toyota is ideally situated with a good balance sheet and strong reserves of cash to be able to weather the current climate.

So in the midst of this unsettled automobile market place, we see the big three in America go to Washington to beg for some money. What do they do? They each take their company jet from Detroit to Washington to appear before congress!!!!!

Is nobody in these three major companies in touch with the perception of the world outside? Can they not see how ridiculous this makes them look? Wow, I am amazed at how insular people can become at a time when the world is looking for leadership to guide us through the next 18 months.

At a time like this there is a need to consolidate and work together. Why aren’t these people getting together to make massive reductions in wasteful costs. At the end of the day, there is a speed limit on the roads and so an engine only has to be a certain size with a certain level of transmission. Can’t these people see that working together on certain aspects of their business can actually save them? Standardize as much as they can and collaborate.

Boeing has become a designer of aeroplanes now and that has been a major step forward. If they had not made the switch, the likelihood is that they may not have survived till now. The big three automakers need to think what their role is and how they can work together to save their industry AND grow it.

Now is a time to think differently. I was hoping the three of them would have come with a joint plan as well as individual plans to Washington this week.

Maybe it is not that important to them after all!

Mumbai - Stepping back in time to see the future

It has taken me a few days to sit down and express my thoughts about Mumabi. First of all let me say that I love Mumbai. It is a wonderful city. Not in the way one talks about Singapore, New York, Sidney or Vancouver which are all wonderful cities for completely different reasons.

Mumbai is like stepping back in time in order to see our future. In many ways it is very run down and there is a lot of poverty but within it is also some extremely modern and very wealthy people. It is a city of contrasts. But the essence of Mumbai is those people of all ages and backgrounds. Everybody is trying to carve their niche and grow their own future at some level. It is like cutting off the top of an ant hill and peering in. As you look in an anthill you see a hive of activity and you may not understand it but you know that every single ant is making a contribution to the whole.

Mumbai is like that. It is a hive of activity and it looks like chaos but in reality everyone is contributing to the whole. Even beggars on the streets are making things out of bits of paper, wood, string and flowers to give to you in return for the money you may give them.

People of Mumbai respect those that achieve and everyone comes to this city to make their fortune or even to find themselves.

Into the midst of this walks a group of young men that have never had the opportunity to discover the true meaning of life. Brainwashed by some radical fools, who will never achieve much in their lives, and who seek to make a name for themselves on the back of the innocent and by reeking destruction on innocent hard working people.

We all saw what havoc these stupid and misguided young men created. It is a great shame that once again Mumbai has been used by the few to make a name for themselves. But there may be a silver lining to this horrible cloud that descended over the city.

It depends on two things. First of all, will the people of India allow the actions of a few misguided people to escalate into full confrontation between them and Pakistan? My experience is that the people of Pakistan and the people of India do not want that. They are sick of that old conflict in the same way that the average person on the streets in Belfast did not want the conflict and the average person in Iran is sick of their Governments conflicts with the world.

I think the people of Mumbai and India as a whole will not allow the actions of a very few people start up a conflict again. There is too much to loose and they have come too far. The days of blaming a whole nation for the actions of a few is gone and I believe that the average man and woman in India understands this. They also realize that the problem between Governments is a two-way issue. There is as much blame on one side as the other. That leads me to the second point.

The second is how the people of India will react to their Government now? Corruption is a problem in India and Government is no exception. India's growth is slower than it could be because of corruption. Given a chance, people will take the easy way out and so systems can easily lapse, procedures are not always followed and the opportunity to make a fast buck is taken when it arises.

The latest news that a Police Officer was part of helping the mindless young people achieve their actions, is an example of how quickly small acts of corruption can lead to deadly consequences.

I believe that the people of India are now sick of the Politicians and the way Government is being handled. Government should be an example of good behaviors and actions. Instead it is just another place that corruption is rife. I hope that the people of India will rise up and force their Government to take a stand and be part of the building of India rather than a referee on the side choosing what to notice and what to ignore.

Certainly the people of India have got the spirit that it takes to rise up. They are a strong minded people, and never more so than in the wonderful city of Mumbai. The peace rally recently showed the first sign of people of all ages and sectors standing up and showing that they want change.

I love Mumbai and it will continue to grow and prosper. This set back will make it stronger and if anything more determined. Those wonderful people have choices to make and I hope they choose wisely.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A New President - now what?

It didn't take a genius to realize that Obama was going to win this election. The question was, 'by how much?'. Last night we found out. In a massive turn out people went out and had their say. The vote was for someone they thought may be able to approach things differently.

The reaction by the world leaders says so much about how the relationships between them and the Bush Administration had deteriorated.

Interestingly, in the last four USA elections the candidate that had been a soldier has not won.

Obama used the internet, social networking sites and technology in a way that it has never been used before. This was one thing that endeared him to a whole new generation. This will change the way elections happen in the future. Obama emailed his followers when it was announced that he had won and said 'thanks' and then said he will be back to them as to how they can help going forward. I think we are seeing the type of President Obama will be.

McCain is an honorable man but he spoke in terms of "I". He spoke about what he would do an how he would solve things. Obama spoke in terms of "we". I wish I had counted how many times McCain said "I" in the last debate compared to Obama saying "we". It would seem that Obama will take an inclusive approach to Governing the country.

I think this is a great day because it showed that the new age of Americans are open to change and even want it. Let us see if they can follow through and support their President. He gave an outstanding speech and promised honesty and hard work ahead. Now we will see if America continues their approach of battering and wearing down the people they don't agree with - like they did with Clinton.

This is an opportunity for United States and for the world. We congratulate President Elect Obama on an outstanding election and on his energy, determination and focus.

We thank McCain for his dedication. I believe that he really did want to run a different election and he must have had a lot of problems from within his party on the journey.

Now What? An opportunity. That's what.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Does Experience Matter?

Does experience really matter? We are hearing a lot in the US election about how experienced McCain is compared to Obama. I was slightly surprised that this statement was being made.

Experience is valuable in certain circumstances but equally it can be negative in other circumstances. When it comes to skills, for example being a plumber, surgeon, accountant, or any situation where specific skills are needed, then experience is probably of significant value. However, the problem with experience is that it also creates a 'rut' in our thinking. Our experience sets a mindset that can actually LIMIT our ability to see opportunities. Worse than that, it can mean that we take a traditional approach to something without realizing we are doing so.

I think McCain has made a big mistake. Yes he has experience, but it is in a old fashioned way of doing Government. Then there is the experience he has based on his military background. The trouble with fighters is their experience is to fight. Like a hammer is in danger of seeing the world as a nail, a fighter is in danger of seeing problems as being dealt with with by a fight. John MCain has shown that this is preferred method of approach many times as a Senator.

So McCain approaching this election from a position of "experience" is very dangerous. It is made worse because the younger generation are tired of hearing that 'experience' is important - in fact if anything we are seeing this generation out to prove the problems with having experience.

On the other hand, Obama has ridden on a ticket of 'change'. Change for the sake of change is always dangerous. But also, change combined with the mindset that experience is not important, is dangerous.

Both have shown that they are not what they say they are. Mcain failed to show the strength of his "experience" and the problems with making "change" for the sake of change, when he chose Palin. Obama has showed he struggles with "change" and with "experience" when he has offered solutions that have failed in the past.

It is a pity that this election is asking the public to choose between 'change' and 'experience'. Both have an important part to play and, when balanced, are powerful.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Too little too late

If there is an example of outstanding lack of leadership, then this week we have seen the BBC allow itself to be made a fool of, through lack of decisive judgment at the top.

Two radio personalities got carried away and behaved badly using offensive language and obscene remarks in a pre-recording of a radio show. The show was not checked (the BBC guidelines were not followed) and the show went out uncut. Five listeners complained. Then one of the Sunday newspapers did a feature article about the show and wrote quotes of what was said. Of course, reading what was said in the paper does not put any of the quotes in the context they were said and so made what was said, seem vastly worse than it was.

The result, there are now 30,000 complaints. These are people that never heard or saw the show but simply responded to what they read or what they heard from others. A range of people from the Prime Minister to the man on the street has been having their say. The BBC Director General did not act for days and now (days later) the Head of the Radio Station has been forced to resign and the most experienced personality has been banned for 12 weeks and the other one has also resigned. And, we are told, that the investigation still has not been completed!!!!!!

Why do leaders make life so difficult for themselves? The Head of the Radio Station admitted that guidelines had not been followed. Other senior figures had also not carried out checks required. This is an offense and does not need to deliberated on for days.

The two personalities, who immediately admitted and apologized for their behavior, needed to be dealt with swiftly and fairly. A hefty fine and a warning is called for. How long does that have to take?

But due to the lack of strong, principled and decisive leadership, the matter was allowed to get out of control and the result is actions that are neither fair to some parties or reasonable.

What about the newspaper that presented the facts in what, at best, could be called questionable if not misleading? Nothing, of course. Irresponsible behavior of two personalities has caused them the loss of their jobs. Irresponsible behavior of a newspaper, no action. Bad leadership from the BBC, no action. Well at least not yet. An independent watchdog is going to review the events and the BBC may well get a fine.

What a great shame that such lack of principled leadership, has to cause such a fiasco and make Britain (from Government to Business Leaders) look inadequate. What a great shame that once again the tabloid press gets away with such poor journalism. Wouldn't it be lovely if the public boycott the newspaper and if leaders would do what they were paid to do - Lead?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Environmental Issues

For those that saw my Thoughts on Leadership this month (came out on the 27th) you will see that I broke away from my normal track to make a point about environmental issues. My experience is that some companies are doing some good things and making it profitable or at least not making it costly.

Today I came across this and was delighted to see that the old boss has got his focus in place as well.

As Part of Starbucks™ Shared Planet™, the Company Focuses on Goals for Ethical Sourcing, Environmental Stewardship and Community Involvement

SEATTLE & NEW ORLEANS–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Starbucks (NASDAQ:SBUX) today announced thirteen measurable goals, to be achieved by 2015, as part of Starbucks™ Shared Planet™. As part of this commitment, 100 percent of the company’s coffee will be responsibly grown and ethically traded; 100 percent of Starbucks cups will be reusable or recyclable; the company will significantly reduce its environmental footprint through energy and water conservation, recycling and green construction; and contribute one million community service hours per year.

“Starbucks Shared Planet is not just about how important it is to us that we’re a socially responsible company, it’s to reaffirm Starbucks leadership in the retail and coffee industries and the communities in which we are operating,” said Howard Schultz, chairman, president and ceo of Starbucks Coffee Company. “While these goals are aspirational, we have set substantive measurements that will challenge us to be a better company. During this time of economic uncertainty we realize that we have the opportunity and the responsibility to keep our focus on our commitment to keep our communities strong, and I’m proud of what we’re doing to live up to the guiding principles of this company.”

Starbucks is taking a major step this week towards meeting the community involvement goal by kicking off its 10,000 partner (employee)-strong Leadership Conference, where participants will take part in community service projects to help rebuild the areas hardest hit by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Additionally, partners will participate in advanced coffee education programs and attend business sessions as the company continues to focus on operational improvements and a commitment to its core – coffee and the customer experience.

Goals Starbucks plans to achieve by 2015 include:

Ethical Sourcing:

* Purchase 100 percent of all coffee through ethical sourcing practices, up from the current 65 percent
* Invest in a better future for farmers and their communities by nearly doubling funding to organizations that provide farmer loans
* Pro-actively impact climate change by offering farmers incentives to prevent deforestation. Pilot programs with Conservation International in Sumatra, Indonesia and Chiapas, Mexico are underway.

Community Involvement:

* Contribute more than one million community service hours per year in communities where we do business
* Engage 50,000 young social entrepreneurs to innovate and take action and, in turn, inspire 100,000 individuals to take action in their communities through the Starbucks Social Entrepreneurs Fund

Environmental stewardship:

* 100 percent of Starbucks cups will be either reusable or recyclable
* 25 percent of cups will be reusable
* Increase recycling available in our stores
* 50 percent energy used in our company-owned stores will come from renewable sources by 2010
* Reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by making our company-owned stores 25 percent more energy efficient by 2010
* Significantly reduce water usage
* All new company-owned stores will be certified green by 2010
* Champion tropical rainforest protection as a solution for climate change

For more information regarding Starbucks™ Shared Planet™ visit

About Starbucks

Since 1971, Starbucks Coffee Company has been committed to ethically sourcing and roasting the highest quality arabica coffee in the world. Today, with stores around the globe, the company is the premier roaster and retailer of specialty coffee in the world. Through our unwavering commitment to excellence and our guiding principles, we bring the unique Starbucks Experience to life for every customer through every cup. To share in the experience, please visit us in our stores or online at

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The world we now live in

Anybody that knows me would never connect me with Britney Spears and I am hardly what could be called a fan. However, I am stunned by the news that California courts are in deadlock over the case relating to her fender-bender in a car park last year. The issue is about her driving license.
She does not have a California drivers license but she does have a Louisiana license. Now the jury is in deadlock! How can a court be in deadlock over something so stupid. A drivers license is something that you get given when you pass the test to drive. It says that you have passed the test and so can drive a car. So the issue in Britney Spears case surely is, is she guilty of bad driving, negligence, causing damage, or whatever.
I have long said that the laws in USA, Canada, Australia and probably other countries about drivers license for each province, state, district or area, is stupidity and bureaucratic nonsense. Think of the money Governments would save if there was a single license for the country. The whole system has gone crazy and the focus is on the process rather than why the drivers license was invented.
I cannot believe that time and money is being wasted on a Britney Spears court case over a driving offense that happened last year that now comes down to which drivers license she has!!! Are there not more important things to be dealing with at the moment?

Monday, October 20, 2008

How we say it

Last week David Cameron, leader of the opposition in UK, gave a good speech. This is one of the things he said:

“Politics is about many things, the words you speak, the understanding you have of the problems we face, the vision you have, 
the policies you draw up, and your ability to implement them. 
But all of those rest on the shoulders of one thing, the decisions and judgment calls you make.”

I would suggest that business is no different. Probably I would change “policies” to “plans”, but in essence the rest is the same. Business is about understanding the problems, having the vision and the plans and the ability to implement them. It is true, your success is often about the decisions and judgment calls you have to make based on the rest.

The most interesting part of this was the first bit; “the words you speak”. For leaders, the words we speak are the bit that says so much about us. Not just the words but the way it is said. Our expressions, and the way we articulate what we say, has a major impact on people and hence on our ability to lead. Look at David Cameron and Gordon Brown or Barack Obama and John McCain. The articulation is slightly more impacting than the content. Content is a close second, but still a bit behind.

Content is important, but how it is said makes it believable, exciting, uplifting, inspiring or, unbelievable, questionable or even untrue. I am not saying it is fair, I am saying that this is what tends to happen.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Presidents Debate

Having just sat up to watch the final debate in the Presidential election in USA, I am disappointed. Following the last two debates I really hoped we would see the old John McCain take back the center stage.

Senator McCain came out strong, very strong, but he did not win the first 30 minutes but rather Obama was flat for the first 30 minutes and lost it. And then instead of what I hoped to see, the real John McCain, we saw the angry side of John McCain.

It was a fascinating example of how passion poorly demonstrated, can undermine. Passion is so important but at the same time a leader needs to show stable and in control. A leader needs to show he or she can be passionate AND be calm and controlled at times of need.

McCain was passionate in his distaste for Obama and his passion was in attacking Obama. Conversely, Obama (the man who oozed passion when he started) was totally flat but came out looking more of a person in control. The question on people's minds must now be, will McCain be able to stay calm and cool in case of serious issues when being President?

McCain must stop talking about how experienced he is. You are only experienced in things that have happened and not on the things that are happening now. We are in uncharted territory with a global financial challenge. Nothing anybody has done in the past will be a guarantee that they will be successful going forward. Obama talked about the people that he has as advisers and he will use to help him formulate his plans and actions. McCain talked about what HE is going to do and that HE had the answers.

There are a lot of lessons to be gleaned out of this election and a lot of stories about leadership whatever side you support.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The banks need to be bailed out!!!

The truth is, no matter how much regulation you put in place, someone will find a way around it. And that is what has happened. In America, the banks started selling these packaged investments that were based on property prices continuing to rise indefinitely. What is worse, they sold SWAPS. These are a form of guarantee that if the loans are not repaid, then the investor gets their money back.
Why called SWAPS? Because to call it "insurance" would mean it would fall under the regulatory authority for insurance. But they did not want that. So they called them SWAPS.

So when people are unable to pay their loans, the whole thing started to unravel. That is how banks (or the people in them) will always get around regulations.

It has taken months for the Governments to do what they should have done from the start, take a share in the banks to provide the much needed capital. In this way the Government gets a return on its investment when things turn around.

So now I ask, does anyone really believe that the banks will ever sell back their shares in these banks? mmmmmmm Let me see, times will get better eventually. Government is getting a dividend payment which means it does not need to raise taxes on its people! It is also able to make sure the bank does not get around regulation but rather stays in the 'spirit' of the regulations.

Maybe I am being a cynic. We will see what happens in years to come. I think banks will probably keep the shares.

Hi hopes

When the American election started (what seems a life time ago) I had real hopes that these candidates would be different. McCain and Obama both said they were not into the old style of politics which was about bashing the opposition and pulling them apart.

I believe that McCain is a really good man and probably one of the most genuine men you could wish to meet. But somewhere along the road he got hijacked by the "system" and started down the same old road that has dominated Republican approach to politics. But on Friday we saw the real man again. The real McCain broke through for a moment and he stood up for decency and honesty when he admonished his supporters for making false comments about Obama. My heart warmed to him again as he stood up for what he believed in and spoke from the heart.

It is such a great pity that ignorance about the world dominates the thinking of so many American people. The man who stood up and said he was worried about loosing to socialism shows his ignorance and lack of understanding of the situation. What the Government is doing by taking over banks and buying majority shareholding in them, would be classified as socialism at any other time in history. The lady calling Obama an Arab and Palin's incorrect comments about Iran, all show how little they understand about the issues and the way the world is at the moment.

I feel sad that America seems hell bent on showing the worst side of democracy with their approach to elections. There are too many comparisons between how America is acting and what is happening in countries like Zimbabwe and Iran. Democracy in name but not in actions.

It is now a win or loose attitude amongst people. It is no longer about what is right for the country. Americans seem to have lost the ability to be objective and seek what is the best for the whole. The few Independents there are in America really try to take the "objective" stance and see what is right for the whole, but there is not enough of them to make a genuine difference.

So while both Candidates enter the final days and go back on their word, I would say to them both, 'the X & Y generation aren't impressed with how good you are at making your opponent look bad, they want to know what makes you so good'.

We see it in business every day. This generation don't respect their managers for the title of manager or for their age or how long they have been around. They respect them for what they can do for them. How can my manager help me be a better at what I do? How can my manager develop my skills and bring out the best in me? How can my manager create an environment where I can fulfill my potential and contribute the most.

Beware McCain and Obama, this generation are not impressed with your ability to knock your competitor, they want to know what you can do for them. So please change your rhetoric.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Airports in London and Washington

I am mortified at two major airports in what are meant to be two of the major world countries. I am referring to London Heathrow and Washington Dullas airports.
I have been through both of them in the last couple of weeks and I am amazed. Washington Dullas is so old fashioned and dark. I waited by the gate for my flight to Toronto and looked around me. The ceiling was low, the lighting was very poor and the facilities were nearly non existent. Anyone that has been there will know about the vehicles that transport you from one terminal to another which look like something that belongs on the moon.
Heathrow is always an embarrassment. Without fail, every time I land at least one of the moving escalators are not working, the internal partitions are made of cardboard and the staff are simply NOT interested. I now find out that BAA (the airport authority that manages the airport) switches off all plug points so that the public cannot charge up their laptop or phone. They switch them on at night so the cleaners can wander around with a vacuum cleaner on!!! It is that sort of mentality that makes for the the current staff morale and poor services.
Come on guys, this is the first (and last) impression that thousands of people have of Britain and USA. BAA should be replaced for someone who has some pride in London and United Kingdom as well as some business sense.

Monday, September 01, 2008

I was simply amazed at how some of the Democratic candidates in America were saying on TV that they would vote for John McCain because they wouldn't vote for Obama. They were sore about Hillary Clinton not being the nominated representative of the Democrats.

I am sorry, but people like this undermine the whole system of democracy and make a mockery of it. It is not about throwing your teddy out because your candidate isn't on the final ticket. It is about choosing the right person to lead your country. It has been a long time since there have actually been distinctly different policies and a choice to vote on. People need to take advantage of this and educate themselves about what the options are and the consequences of one over the other.

When someone says "on principle I will not do...... or will do...." it normally means they have thrown away logic and excuse their actions as a matter of principle! Are there going to be Republicans now voting for Obama "with a sad heart" because he has chosen Palin as his running mate? That would be equally illogical and stupid.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Keeping track of things

Here is a really great product my son found for me. Really useful and easy to use. It enables you to store things you find on the web or even see, so that you can look at them later.

Take a look at

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Real Golden Rule?

Some people say that the Golden Rule is a value which simply means "treat others as you would like to be treated."

This rule is encased in religious beliefs

Matthew 7:12 "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."
Luke 6:31 "Just as you want others to do for you, do the same for them."

Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.

“That which you want for yourself, seek for mankind.
In his Last Sermon, the Prophet Muhammad admonished believers: "Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you."

"Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain, and your neighbor's loss as your own loss."

Leviticus 19:18 "You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your countrymen. Love your fellow as yourself"

The law of karma, says `for every event that occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the first, and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant according as its cause was skillful or unskillful.' Therefore, the law of Karma teaches that responsibility for unskillful actions is born by the person who commits them.

Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.

I don't think that it is simply "treating others as you would like to be treated", I think it is also about respecting others like they want to be respected. Treating them
like you want to be treated is selfish. Respecting them as they want to be respected is giving. Respect decides how we will treat people.....

What do you think?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ford - what has changed?

Today is the 12th August 2008. On this date in 1908 the Model T rolled out of the Ford Motor Company factory. It was a sturdy 4 cylinder black car that came in two versions, tourer and roadster. Retail prices were $25 for the tourer and $825 for the roadster.

A hundred years later the car has changed significantly. Engines with higher performance, comfort and of course a range of colors and shapes. The sad, and arguably the most vital, aspect has not changed much at all. The Model T gave about 25 to 30 miles to the gallon!

It just goes to show, you get what you focus on. One has to wonder what it would be like if as much effort had been put into giving greater fuel efficiency from the beginning, what we would have today.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

United Nations

I was very pleased to be invited to the United Nations today and be able to visit the Assembly Rooms, see all the great gifts given by nations and then spend some time with a UN Officer and learn more about the UN and what it is doing. He took the time to answer questions and explain some of the activities and philosophies in the UN.

We had a wonderful dinner looking out over the river and then had an excellent speech from Jim Cathcart. I have heard Jim speak before and he is a very talented speaker indeed. Tonight he had a message that I enjoyed and wanted to record.

It was about 'asking'. By asking we show strength and by asking we create a relationship which is of mutual benefit. I know in times past I have feared asking someone and there is no real reason for having failed to do so. I know I have come up with excuses why I have not asked them, but there has not been good reasons.

I thank Jim for reminding me that there is no reason not to ask for help and that it is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength. We all need to be reminded of that at times.

If you want to know more about Jim Cathcart, please go to

Saturday, August 02, 2008

The Future of Work

Over the last five years I have been speaking about how employers need to be thinking how they will re-structure their workplaces and I am seeing some interesting things happening. For example, Capital One Financial Corporation have a Future of Work program that is looking at how to make the work place more attractive and a place people want to stay.

The type of thing they are doing include: giving all new university graduates an iPod with preloaded books on it like, How to think like Leonardo Di Vinci, which allows people to learn at their own time and speed. Their aim is to provide a productive and rewarding environment to work in. The company recognizes the importance people place on their personal life and aims to provide an environment that allows them to create the balance between their professional and personal lives.

Well done Capital One Financial Corporation. It is time for more organizations to break their mind-set about how our business will look in the future and re-design it.

Friday, August 01, 2008

If ever there is a question on your mind about the need to be constantly reinventing how you do your business, what you do in your business and the way business will constantly be changing, then this story shows that anything can and will happen.

One of UK's biggest newspapers has decided to go with Google over Microsoft!

I hope you are thinking carefully about your business and asking yourself good questions about your business. Take nothing as a guarantee of the future.

Monday, April 14, 2008


At a time like this I have to make comment about the situation in Zimbabwe. After all it is the place of my birth and, although I spent a lot of my early years outside the country, we were in the surrounding countries and often visited there. I finished my education there and it was always a special place to me.

In 1980 when I left, it was now under the rule of ZANU PF and Mugabe was the new President. Everyone was wondering what would happen and what the future held. The country was self-sufficient, it could feed itself and export a surplus. It was rich with mineral and was referred to as the “bread basket” of Africa.

For a number of years, nothing really changed. The country continued along the same path but with new opportunities available to anyone willing to make something of themselves. Mugabe was focused on squashing his opposition and ensuring that the Matabele people would not rise up against him. Many people were slaughtered but nobody knew for certain what was going on and it was mainly in the western rural areas, far away from the main cities and industries.

However, eventually the people started to ask what was happening? They noticed that there was no real change and asked what happened to the promise of land. The traditional African tribal people only understand land. A place they can grow some food to eat and raise some cattle or animals.

Mugabe was not willing to allow his position to be taken form him easily and so he promised to make changes to the land ownership. This inspired his people again and he embarked on kicking white farmers off the land and giving it to people who knew nothing about farming.

At the same time the war in Angola was hotting up and he saw the opportunity to gain wealth by supporting Angola. The benefit was diamonds. He stripped the land of food to send to Angola and sent his armed men to fight in the war.

With lack of farming, industries started to fail and there started to be shortages. Shortages meant price rises and food increased significantly. Mugabe demanded that a cap be put on certain foods so that the people could afford to buy what they needed. What happened was industry couldn’t afford to produce and factories started to close down. Hungry people will find food my any means. Crime started to rise and so started the slippery slope that sees us now looking at a bankrupt country with the highest inflation in history and a state of near collapse.

Still Mugabe fights on by any means he can to stay in power. The truth is, he is yesterdays man with a yesterday mentality and old fashioned beliefs that have been proved not to work.

It was once said that “if you are a hammer, then everything you see looks like a nail”. If you are a warrior, then everything that happens requires you to conquer it and win the battle. Mugabe sees enemies in everyone that once supported him, just because they don’t agree with him now. He has the mentality of a fighter and so when things go wrong, he fights back. It matters not whether he is right or wrong, it only matters that he wins.

Unfortunately we have seen this many times before. The trouble with thinking that you are right, is that you don’t get to see the options available to you. You are too busy trying to prove that you are right. Such is Mugabe. Communism does not work, but he has not seen this because he is so busy fighting to make it work.

It is a sin to see a country that was once so prosperous collapse. It is a sin to see the people of Zimbabwe suffer at the hands of a tyrant. These are good people who want to enjoy their lives.

History will look at what happened here and ask why we allowed this to happen? Some of the worlds greatest resources of platinum, gold, tin and many others are being given away to China while the west looks on. Even after Mugabe has gone, we will have to live with the mistake we made.

The only good will be, if South Africa learns the lessons of reclaiming land and sees the damage this will do to a country. Land cannot be used for self-sufficiency farming. Farming is now a science and needs to be handled that way for feeding the population as a whole.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Visit to I Love Rewards

Every once and a while a company comes along and does all the things that it should be doing and reaps the benefits. Such a business is I Love Rewards based in Toronto.

I Love Rewards provides organizations a way of giving recognition for their people in a way that others don’t. For a start, I Love Rewards only earns their income if people are rewarded in their client company. This means that they have to select clients who are really keen and capable of growing their business through their people. If they aren’t capable of doing this, I Love Rewards would not be able to earn a revenue. It is this willingness to put themselves on the line with the client, that differentiates I Love Rewards from its competitors.

The second attribute that makes I Love Rewards very special, is their own belief in giving rewards to their people. It would not be enough to simply say, they practice what they preach. The truth is, they live and breathe rewards in every way.

The two characteristics of doing their business differently and complete belief in what they do, creates an experience to any visitors. People simply come in to find out what is going on. Employees bring in friends to show them what it is like at their company. People are applying to work here and the media are asking for interviews from the CEO, Razor Suleman.

Razor is a mild mannered humble man but don’t underestimate him for a moment. His passion very quickly bursts out showing that this man absolutely believes in what they are doing. The next thing you quickly realize is that he has a very keen mind. I went to interview him and found myself being probed for thoughts, experiences and anything I can share with him that may help him understand and develop his business.

Three days on site and it seems that everyone we interviewed and met was telling us something new and innovative or at very least novel in it approach. Simple things like the book ‘Good to Great’ by Jim Collins being mandatory reading by every member of staff and then chapters from the book being reviewed monthly for ideas that could be applied in their business. Simple but powerful concepts like the day HR died and a funeral was held to bury HR. After that one person is in charge of ‘Employee Experience’ and everyone has a responsibility for the development of the culture and the employees.

Growth is happening quickly. While I was there they had sixteen vacancies they needed to fill and this caused over 200 applications from people wanting to be part of the experience. The recruitment process is as rigid as any you will ever find with people from all areas of the business involved at some stage. The focus is on making sure the right people get on the bus!

A combination of efficient and effective, disciplined and dynamic, focused and flexible wrapped up in an innovative environment. This is an organization that I think Jim Collins would be proud of.

Thanks guys for a wonderful visit and best wishes for the future.

Paul Bridle
Feb 08

Monday, January 21, 2008

Assumtions, Leading and Walls

This weekend I was in Toronto and had the opportunity to watch US television and some of the delegates in the United States speaking in their attempt to gain the nomination to run for President later this year.

I was quite surprised by some of the comments made. Edwards spoke about making America an example to the world and a country the world wants to be like! It shows a great lack of understanding when a candidate thinks that the rest of the world wants to be like America. In fact some of the countries in the world actually resent America’s assumption that they should be like them.

I remember going to eastern Europe to speak at a conference and being asked before I spoke by the President, “You aren’t coming with any of that American rubbish are you?”. When I challenged him to explain he said, we have had American consultants over here telling us how to run our business and so far it has always failed. I was not prepared to accept that and so challenged further. He then explained that “their ideas are fine but they make no allowances for our culture or desires. So they fail when we implement them. America sees the world as a series of boxes that things fit into”.

In my travels around the world, I hear the world wanting is a stable America that is an example of excellence and not a dictator. I think John MaCain said that America needs to lead the world, and that is also not true (and not possible with the low credibility it has at the moment). It needs to partner the world and be an example of good governance. In the last six years America has done more to undermine the credibility of democracy that it has done to advance it.

I can’t remember any times in modern history when building walls achieved anything other than expert climbers and resentment. The Berlin Wall is a typical example. The problems in Pakistan today are as a result of the British drawing lines, erecting fences and then leaving.

Why is America building a 700 mile wall between them and Mexico? Do people think this will actually work? I listen to statements about sending all the illegal immigrants back. Do people not realize the impact that will have on the economy of America? Would it not be so much more beneficial to help Mexico develop a strong economy so that people don’t want to cross the boarder and seek work in America? It will take time but it will also save money, improve the area and reduce the effectiveness of terrorism.

I was pleased to hear John MaCain acknowledge that Bush may have got things wrong, but he did change the strategy on Iraq and it seems to be having some effect. I was also pleased to hear that negotiation is starting to take place with people in Iraq that they have refused to talk to before and rather held them up as the axis of evil.

More has been achieved through discussion than has ever been achieved through war or building walls for that matter!

January 2007

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Every once and a while it is really great to hear someone speak with passion and common sense. Have a look at:

Monday, January 14, 2008

The US elections

This weekend I heard President Bush speak in Dubai. I have got to the stage when I think he says what he says to convince himself! His comment about dealing with Iran "before it is too late" left me thinking, what is "too late"? Does he mean before he leaves office?

As someone who travels the world, I am amazed at how little the President really understands about the culture of the people in the Middle East and the issues there. Does he not realize how foolish he makes the United States appear when he speaks the way he does? The greatest thing I can see coming out of the Bush administration will be the young people who will vote in the elections this year.

I am not sure they want change as much as to make sure the same mistake is not made again. Nobody believes that Government will change but at least they want people that will not be irrational and fundamentalist in their approaches.

What an interesting year it will be. I believe that there has never been a recession in an election year. There are also a whole bunch of first time voters that have never worked in an economy that is so slow!

Obama speaks of "hope". I think people are looking for competence combined with integrity.
Romney thinks that because he has been successful in business, he can be successful as President! He creates the impression of a competent manager when people are looking for a competent leader.

What a great start to what will turn out to be one of the most interesting elections in the history of United States.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

It pays to Listen

If there was ever any doubt about the importance of listening, then this week in New Hampshire we were reminded again of the difference it makes.

Hillary Clinton changed her approach to campaigning after Iowa and started to listen instead of telling. If you watched her rallies, she spoke and then listened as people asked her questions. For the first time she opened up the person instead of the campaign machine. What a difference it made.

There are people who are saying that the moment when her voiced cracked when answering a question, was the turning point. I don't think so. The turning point was that she was listening and because of that there was one moment when she showed a real person behind the candidate.

Leadership is about being able to listen as well as being able to speak. It is about hearing and it is about answering the questions on people minds.

9th January 2008

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Talking about Change

So Obama wins Iowa and everyone suddenly talks about the same things he has been talking about!! He spoke about "hope" and about "change" and it is soooo obvious that people are wanting change. They want a different approach to Government and not just a change of face.

Today Hillary Clinton said that change is not about talk it is about hard work. Yes it is hard work but that is not enough. Hard work on its own is not effective.

From a leader it is about facilitating change, from a group of people it is about managing the change, from the individual it is about responding to change.

Doing leadership is about inspiring people to respond to the change, it is about having the right people in place to manage the change and it is about achieveing change through people.

The result of Iowa seems to say that people understand this and are looking for the leader to create leadership in line with this.

Friday, January 04, 2008

It is 2008! And we need new Leadership – please.

I am sick of hearing about the “War on Terror”. There is no such thing as a war on terror! That is like saying a war on phobias or a war on bombing. It is a nonsense.

What is terrorism? (Interestingly, no Government has dared to define it). Terrorism is a method of fighting. The method is to create terror in people, which incapacitates them in some way. It does not always have to be physical.

Traditional wars were fought by armies, fighting it out, people getting killed while trying to take control of some ground. Having taken control, the winner implemented an order or regime that was to their liking. That is the way it was done for centuries.

Of course this form of fighting means that the strongest tends to win. Maybe not only strength, but strength has a lot to do with it. So what does the little guy need to do to win? Well, he can find bigger weapons and become stronger! The trouble is the guys with the biggest weapons just keep making theirs bigger as well. They also make it impossible to get the materials and the information to be able to make bigger weapons. Eventually there is a limit to the size of the weapon anyway.

But there is one method of war that has been used over the years in different situations by all sides and has been effective. It is called striking fear into the enemy. If you strike enough fear into the enemy, you can overthrow them without as much violence, or at least minimize the violence.

Japan used it to great effect in the World War II, but then again the British used it many years before in Africa, India and many other places. In fact, striking fear in the enemy has been used by the West for many years as a method of fighting.

Today’s wars are not country against country. They are ideologies fighting an ideology. Afghanistan is not fighting USA or visa versa. There is a group of people that are fighting for what they believe in. They based themselves in Afghanistan but are not the elected rulers of the country.

Of course they have limited access to “strength” or “big enough weapons” in order to fight their fight. They are not physically strong enough or have physical weapons to attack with. However, they have a weapon that can be very powerful if used correctly. It doesn’t have to explode (although if it does it provides visual impact) it doesn’t even have to cost a lot of lives. What it has to do is, scare people enough, so that they don’t function well.

The IRA used it very effectively in United Kingdom for years. The bombings that they undertook were not designed to kill, but rather to scare people. They believed that if the people of United Kingdom were scared enough they would demand their Government give back Northern Ireland.

The war against the colonies in Africa was fought in the same way. Southern Rhodesia and South Africa were typical examples. The aim was not to kill all the ‘whites’; they could have done that because the whites were out-numbered. Instead they tried to undermine the economy of the country so that it had to collapse and then they would be able to take control.

It worked! Of course sanctions from the west were a help, but the fear factor was also a contributing element that made the change happen.

So terrorism is a method of war. It is not a war, as Bush would like to call it, that someone can declare war on! Declaring war on terrorism is like declaring war on war.

The real trouble is that the mind-set of the world that is trying to fight terrorism is using conventional methods of war. This is the mind-set of leaders who were leaders in a different era. What they don’t realise is that they are not fighting a traditional war and that being the physically strongest is now not the most important element of the war.

To show how old fashioned the thinking is they still make their decisions based on their own values and beliefs. They think that killing these people will solve the problem. This premise comes from a western belief that human life is valued and people want to live. The truth is, the people they are fighting don’t hold human life as that important. In fact, these people will gladly die if it is in defence of their beliefs.

This method of war should not be fought with the same mind-set of wars in the past. It requires new thinking and new leadership. Solutions to the current problems are not to be found in simply making bigger weapons or shouting louder.

The real impact of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre in New York was not simply the thousands of people that died, although that was a terrible tragedy. The real impact and outcome has been the way United States has got itself into debt and weakened its position on the world stage. The perpetrators of that dastardly attack achieved what they set out to do. They scared America into acting impetuously and into financially de-stabilising itself. Oh yes, it also got America to take out one of its archenemies that was ruling Iraq, and to de-stabilise that whole region. That was a bonus!

What would have happened if America had not gone off fighting in the Middle East after 9/11? What if America had chosen instead to undermine the people behind the attack and even created enough fear in the region to make it impossible for these people to be supported and to operate?

The truth is we don’t know. But we can take an educated guess and one thing is for sure, America would not be as weak as it is now both financially and influentially.

Recently Gordon Brown refused to attend a summit because Mugabe was attending. This is another example of old type thinking and old style leadership. The British Prime Minister thought he made a stand and achieved some sort of moral victory. In reality, Mugabe’s stature has been improved because he managed to force the British out of the summit. The British were too afraid to attend when Mugabe was there! His influence is stronger in Africa because the British Prime Minister had an old style leadership head on.

Terrorism is not something that will ever go away. It is a powerful method used by bullies in playgrounds and corporations in market places. It is so effective because people react to it.

Look how Bush is jumping around because Iran is making nuclear fuel. President Ahmajinidad is having great fun watching how he is terrorising Bush with his rhetoric about Israel and by pretending to be refining nuclear fuel. He knows that if he can keep America fighting traditional wars, their economy will continue to be effected, their influence will be undermined and in this weakened state they can be brought down to size and dealt with.

It is 2008. This year could be a deciding year for better, or for worse. Let us hope that we will see a new generation of leaders emerge that think differently and are prepared to build, rather then destroy. I hear the American news talking about the need for Presidential candidates with “experience”. I am sorry, but the people with experience are often also those that have the old mind-set. Experience is only of value if placed alongside innovation and fresh thinking. Experience on its own is not enough.

Learn from the past but create the future.

The time has come if the people of America and Iran will elect someone who is not frightened. You see: fear is what makes terrorism work!

January 1st 2008