Sunday, January 06, 2008

Talking about Change

So Obama wins Iowa and everyone suddenly talks about the same things he has been talking about!! He spoke about "hope" and about "change" and it is soooo obvious that people are wanting change. They want a different approach to Government and not just a change of face.

Today Hillary Clinton said that change is not about talk it is about hard work. Yes it is hard work but that is not enough. Hard work on its own is not effective.

From a leader it is about facilitating change, from a group of people it is about managing the change, from the individual it is about responding to change.

Doing leadership is about inspiring people to respond to the change, it is about having the right people in place to manage the change and it is about achieveing change through people.

The result of Iowa seems to say that people understand this and are looking for the leader to create leadership in line with this.

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