Sunday, December 07, 2008

Move over Hitler, we now have Mugabe...

Move over Hitler, we now have Mugabe and he can make you like you never got out of kindergarten.

At least Hitler had brains! He was a misguided and an evil man, but he had an ideology that he was working towards. Even Sadam Hussain who was a wicked man and also ruthlessly killed many thousands of people, at least he had an aim that he was working towards. At least these two evil misguided men where relatively good to their own tribes (all be it that it came with a threat to tow the line).

Mugabe is a common thief, a robber and a self indulgent fool who cares only for himself and his immediate friends. He does not care about his own people and is willing to let them die and suffer any fate, as long as he can live his life on his terms. He has raped his country in every possible way.

When a Government cannot care or defend its people, it is not governing. Hospitals closed down, drinking water contaminated, no currency, no food and looting by the army.

This is Zimbabwe in 2008. This is the Zimbabwe where a man more evil than Hitler and more cruel than Sadam Hussain is the ruler along with his puppeteers. The ONLY people that can help and save Zimbabwe are the rest of Africa.

When will the price for turning back the colonies be paid in full. How much more must the African people (not the West) suffer? Mugabe was fighting for freedom from their “Colonial Masters”. Now his people suffer in ways they never did when Rhodesia was a Colony. They were promised a better life and instead life has NEVER been so bad.

Even Hitler would hold his head in shame at what we see Mugabe doing in what was once a self sufficient country. Even Sudam Hussain would shake his head in amazement at the stupidity of what is now the worlds most worthless ruler.


Jonathan Marks said...

He seems to be fueled by one thing in common with Hitler - and Amin, hatred. In Mugabe's case it is hatred of the British. I find it amazing that South Africa's neighbours don't do anything. He's a perfect case of a how never to lead. I don't think he's stupid - he's living a world of his own - reminds me of Adolf's last ten days in the bunker.

Taavi Sepp said...

You could also add Mugabe's words to illustrate the situation "I will never give up power! Zimbabve is mine!".
To soften the message one could use the words of a opposition party's representative in the U.K. "Mugabe is an old man and can say whatever he wants.".

Unfortunately this view opposing senile statements of a dictator is not shared (publicly) by the rest of the world.