The comparisons of Obama to Past US Presidents is inevitable as historians look for parallels. The most significant is the parallel with Kennedy. Both men had to overcome personal issues that stood in the way of them accepted.
Obama is African American. Kennedy was Catholic.
In these days it seems strange to look back at that time and think that Kennedy being Catholic would have been an issue. It seems absurd that there was a time in America that this was a major issue.
We are into a generation that wonders in awe at the age when black people in America were slaves and treated as a second level of humanity.
It is now common that black and other ethic minorities hold political office in various parts of the country. True it is the first time one has held the highest office as President, but I can't help but wonder what people will think when they look back at 2009 and Obama being inaugurated as President of the United States of America?
If we look back as incredulous that being a Catholic would be an issue to becoming President, will people in 40 years time think it incredulous that Obama being black would be an issue to becoming President?
What will the world be like when we can look back and be amazed that such an era existed?
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