Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Obama and Leadership in the first 100 days

As the first 100 days passes, it would be useful to look at the Leadership style of President Obama so far.

Well he has been busy! It could be said that he arrived at a busy time with the economic issues, the Iraq and Afghanistan issues and a few other global and local problems on his desk. However, we have seen a man that has not shied away from the issues and in reality seems to have not only taken them head on, but also taken on ones that could have been put to one side for a while.

The size of the agenda he has launched into, is quite breathtaking. He has recognized that an immediate and sharp turn was needed away from the Bush approach to the world. President Obama needed to stamp his position and approach on a world that was largely seeking to make America irrelevant. He carefully sent out a clear signal that there was significant differences between the America of pre 2008 and the America of 2009 and beyond.

As with his campaign, he has recognized that the approaches of the past that have not achieved results, need rethinking. With Cuba, Iran and even Venezuela he has shown he is ready to relook at the situation. Not in a one-way approach to everything that dominated the Bush/Cheny era but with a proactive dialogue that engages and doesn’t distant other nations. He has shown more than once in both his campaign and in the first 100 days that he is open to new thinking and new approaches. This is probably one of the most significant leadership approaches that marks his style.

"Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America" he told the crowd gathered for his inauguration, on January 20, 2009.

It has been acknowledged that USA has not always got it right in the past. He has done this in a way that does not attempt to excuse it but also does not dwell on it either. His recognition that other cultures see the world differently, has been a breath of fresh air across the globe. Generally Americans do not understand the difference in cultures and so are unable to see themselves through the eyes of other people. President Obama is not condoning other cultures and certainly not promoting American culture as the right one. He is acknowledging that there are some differences and, most importantly, that the real issue is about how to co-exist rather than confront.

There is a wonderful expression, “you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar”. Obama has certainly embraced this approach while at the same time not coming over as weak or unable to take a stand when needed. This is probably the second more significant leadership approach worth noting. People know where they stand with him but he has also got the ability to view the world through their eyes. People respect that.

Interestingly, his approach to the economy has received mixed reaction. Obviously the opposition party has said it is totally wrong, but even amongst his supporters there is doubts about it. One aspect that has been interesting was how early in the Presidency Tim Guitner was being slammed and now a few short weeks later, he is seen as probably quite astute. Certainly Obama has stuck by his man. His popularity has only dropped 3 points since the beginning of the 100 days but the public’s views of the handling of the economy is a lot lower.

It would appear that the reason people are prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt on the economy. Maybe it is simply that there is no viable alternative course of action is being held up. The Republican opposition has got good at pointing out what they think is wrong but not really holding up any viable alternative approach. Basically, the public see the problem as, do we hit the economy from the left or from the right. That is not a big question compared to do we use a 2 pound hammer or a 10 pound hammer? Do we hit it hard or tap it? Do we hit it at all? Those sort of differences may force people to group behind either the Democrats or the Republicans.

What is notable in terms of his leadership style through the economic crisis has been his willingness to make a decision and go with it without allowing himself to be distracted. He has not tried to find the perfect solution (probably because he recognizes that there simply isn’t one) and rather set a direction and then modify as he goes. A great lesson in knowing when the planning is over and action must begin, but action does not have to be rigid. I think it is called, Ready, Aim, Fire and Steer.

Is it working? Only Americans would be expecting results already. It is that same short term mentality of seeking immediate results that got us into the financial crisis we have. Only time will tell how much will be achieved but certainly the ground has been well prepared in the first 100 days.

America has certainly been granted a reprieve by the world. More countries are wanting to work with America to tackle issues, than they were in the last eight years or so. The approach to the economy is either right or wrong, time will tell but at least the approach is very similar across the globe.

The criticism that he is not being bipartisan is amusing to the rest of the world who are looking in from the outside. He can only be bipartisan if both sides want to find common ground. Bipartisan is not simply agreeing with the opposition. The GOP are jumping up and down saying that he is reaching out too far to people like Chavez of Venezuela, when they are seen as keeping their hands by their sides in Congress and the Senate. The truth is, they cannot be bipartisan because they are too frightened that they will loose their own seats. I imagine that behind the rhetoric and away from the cameras, there is a lot more bipartisanism going on.

Obama’s greatest challenge will be America itself. America thinks it has defined itself when in reality it has not for the modern world. It blames other parts of the world for the religious influence on their society and speaks strongly about democracy. But within America it strongly holds its religious positions despite the democratic will of the people. It holds up it Constitution when it suits and ignores it when it suits. It holds up the rule of law when it suits and then sets it aside when it suits.

There are fundamental flaws that undermine the long term strength of America and these need to be addressed. Americans are quick to pick up on minor issues like a hand shake and ignore more important issues like the desire to bury the past. America is quick to shout about human rights on the other side of the globe while justifying actions on the grounds of security. On these simple points, there are other parts of the world that are gaining ground still on America. China may not have a good record on human rights, but it is not pretending to be either. Cuba may not be democratic but it doesn’t pretend to be and what is the difference between them and Saudi Arabia? Venezuela may be vocal in opposition to America but it is a democracy and America still buys its oil while being vocal about everyone else.

Can President Obama tackle these long terms and internal issues? Only time will tell.

Leadership style so far has included:

Being prepared to consider an alternative approach and be more inclusive
Drawing a line on what has happened and now seeking solutions
Acknowledging past mistakes without dwelling them
Showing what he stands for and winning respect first
Being decisive and taking action
Surrounding himself with clever people
Understanding that there may be a different point of view

Friday, April 24, 2009

World Malaria Day

Tomorrow the 25th April is World Malaria Day. As someone who had Malaria, managed to survive and will always live with the side effects, I feel attached to this cause.

Please support the effort to eradicate malaria by going to
http://www.malarianomore.org/ and donate $10.

Thank you to everyone and best wishes

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

In Memory of Mark Twain

In Memory of Mark Twain who died today in 1910

A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.

A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.

Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.

Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.

An Englishman is a person who does things because they have been done before. An American is a person who does things because they haven't been done before.

Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.

By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean.

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.

Do something every day that you don't want to do; this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.

Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.

Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.

Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge.

Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable.

Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't.

For more Mark Twain Quotes go to http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Mark_Twain/

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Learn from mistakes

After the Thatcher era and her predecessor John Major, the Conservatives fell from grace and became lost in the wilderness for 10 years. Admittedly the arrival of Tony Blair and the way he shaped the Labour Party, became inspiring and that did not help the Conservatives. But the main reason the Conservatives struggled to find traction with the public was that nobody knew what they stood for. In addition, all they were seen as doing was knocking the opposition.

It is easy to knock the opposition. It is easy to destroy but it takes real a skill to build. I find it extremely painful to watch the Republican Party knock everything that is being done by Obama. Every time I listen to the news in North America, I hear a GOP Member knocking what Obama is doing. And many times it is so weak and unsubstantial that it is embarrassing.

I suppose this is what happens when the Party lacks a Leader, but the Party is starting to be seen as a Party that knows how to oppose, how to pick fault or scaremonger at every opportunity. If there is nothing of substance to be said, then it is better to say nothing than to reduce credibility.

Learn from the mistakes of the Conservatives in United Kingdom and take the time to regroup and decide what you stand for and what the modern world expects of Government and the United States of America. Stop talking as a Party of values when the Party has undermined many of the Christian and moral values of the world. Focus on finding a credible leader and learn how to build quickly before all you can do is destroy or knock down. Credibility will be as important as Strategy. At the moment the GOP has neither.

Good Government requires a credible opposition. If you don't believe me, look again at how much Labour got away with in UK for the years that the Conservatives were lost in the wilderness. Now UK is broken and weak. A massive loss that will take years to recover from.

Friday, April 03, 2009

The two faces of Ryanair

I went to Dublin to speak this week. The trip was planned with Ryanair who is not an airline I have traveled with before. I am always wary of these airlines that do it on the cheap because they typically have a "cheap" mentality.

I was very surprised to arrive at East Midlands airport and get a friendly and helpful ground staff. The sign clearly said, 'one hand luggage' and I had two items but they were both small and together did not add up to the size of one bag. They also had sensitive electronic equipment in them and so I was expecting to be challenged, but they looked at the size and obviously realized that they were small and it did not matter. I was impressed.

On board I was delighted with the wonderful and friendly cabin crew who, despite being busy, were prepared to chat and we had some good dialogue all the way to Dublin. I left the plane really pleased.

Yesterday I returned to Dublin airport for my 2pm flight. What a difference!!!! Ground crew that told me off for the two bags (the same bags) and seem to want to dare me to be difficult with them. Anyway, I got past that and on board. Wow, what a difference. Senior cabin crew member Chloe was obviously having a bad day. Even the other crew members were wary of her. I spoke nicely to her and got a curt reply. I tried again later and got an even shorter reply.

She spent most of the flight scribbling some notes. It was clear that there was something she wasn't happy about and she was writing her notes up. Flippant comments like "if she thinks she can throw her weight around, she has another think coming"...... Then she was telling the others what to do while she filled out her reports and paperwork. As passengers we were smiling at each other and even at other crew members and raising our eyebrows. I looked at her and thought what a difference one person makes. In her faded uniform, torn under the arms and hem half down with a massive attitude and chip on her shoulder, she broke the experience I had with Ryanair.

I was glad to get to the airport and leave. I felt sorry for her colleagues who were obviously uncomfortable with her behavior. I would have paid more for a smile and a better attitude.